Discover Toro, the aerial cableway system that revolutionizes transportation in your plantation

Discover Toro, the aerial cableway system that revolutionizes transportation in your plantation

Discover Toro, the aerial cableway system that revolutionizes transportation in your plantation

Discover Toro, the aerial cableway system that revolutionizes transportation in your plantation

Discover Toro, the aerial cableway system that revolutionizes transportation in your plantation

A company full of innovation in the industry

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Satisfied clients.

Dedicated to the development of green technologies

At Grupo Expertix, we are committed to the development of green technologies, innovating in sustainable solutions that contribute to a cleaner and more ecological future.

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We believe in innovation and creativity as a determining factor for success.

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We market components aimed at automation and provide multidisciplinary solutions to our clients.

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International presence, offering security, quality and trust at all times

Determined to deliver the best service

We are determined to deliver superior service, focusing on customer satisfaction and excellence in every project we undertake.




Services offered.




Years of experience.

Our History

Our history at Grupo Expertix is a reflection of our commitment to innovation and sustainability. From the beginning, we have been dedicated to developing green technologies and eco-efficient solutions, paving the way to a more sustainable future. This journey highlights our role as industry leaders and our constant search for improvements and technological advancements.


2018. The need is seen and development begins.

Javier Murguialday, with a solid background in the global technology industry and based in the Dominican Republic, visited a banana farm with the intention of installing solar panels. During his visit, he was dismayed by the method of transporting banana bunches used by the workers, from the harvest area to the packing zone. This experience led him to conceive the idea of developing a machine that would significantly improve this task. After months of work and several unsuccessful business attempts, Javier began the development of this machine alongside Reynold Pierre, a construction worker with whom he had established a trust relationship after collaborating on a previous project at his residence. The final product of this collaboration was named and patented as the Toro.

2019. The first Toros are sold in the Dominican Republic.

Development efforts initially took place in the backyard of Javiers residence. After an extensive idea generation and testing process on various farms in the Dominican Republic, multiple flaws and deficiencies in the machine were identified. Each of these issues was addressed and corrected through the experience gained and feedback obtained during fieldwork. As a result, several farms in the Dominican Republic opted to purchase the Toros.

2020. Improvements in machine development.

Adjustments and improvements to the machine continued. During a visit to a farm in the Dominican Republic, a Costa Rican businessman recognized the potential of the developing machine and encouraged Murguialday to bring it to Costa Rica, where banana industry companies could evaluate it and consider its acquisition if deemed appropriate.

2021. Demonstrations in Costa Rica and the first international sale.

In March, Javier Murguialday traveled to Costa Rica to conduct demonstrations of the machine at various farms and companies. Prominent companies like Standard Fruit Company Dole, Earth University, Grupo Aproveco, and Jardín del Tigre, among others, recognized the potential of the equipment and opted to purchase some units for testing. This was the first international order, consisting of 21 Toros. Given the growing demand, Murguialday realized the need to expand the team and improve post-sales service, which led to the formal foundation of Grupo Expertix SRL.

2022. Months of many challenges.

For several months, engineers at Grupo Expertix in Costa Rica dedicated themselves intensely to resolving operational challenges and overcoming the initial resistance of the staff in adopting the machines. Two fundamental aspects for success were the direct commitment to our customers and the continuous improvement of the faults detected in the equipment. Grupo Expertix SRL was able to clearly communicate that our mission is to improve working conditions and optimize processes, which generated a positive response from the workers and owners of the companies. Their satisfaction was reflected in the notable improvement observed thanks to the use of the Toro machine, as well as the support and collaboration received from our side.


The Toro begins to gain recognition and attract the attention of numerous people. We are deeply grateful for the support and trust shown by Standard Fruit Company Dole, who took the initiative and decision to implement it throughout their division.


Currently, Grupo Expertix SRL has deployed more than 400 units of the Toro in over 10 countries worldwide. We boast a distinguished portfolio of internationally recognized clients, including companies like Standard Fruit Company Dole, Fyffes, Grupo Hame, Del Monte Fresh Produce, among others. We are firmly committed to improving the working conditions of workers, offering post-sales assistance service. We continue to develop new products to optimize agricultural processes and meet the needs of our clients.


Ready to Innovate? Connect with Grupo Expertix!

Get in touch with our team of experts to learn more about our products and services, request a personalized quote, or get answers to your questions. We're here to help you drive your business forward with innovative solutions.